Call For Article

The Editorial Board of Crypto Review sincerely invites you to submit original research articles or case studies to our second issue with the topic — The Future of Crypto.  The issue will be published in Apr 2020. Topics of articles include but do not limit to insights on market, application, technology and theory about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Our vision is to create a platform that provides readers with critical and comprehensive views from both academic and industrial fields of crypto and blockchain. The Inaugural Issues launched in September 2019 has attracted wide attention from the industry including organizations such as Google, IBM and the European Central Bank. It also has a far-reaching impact with readership from various countries around the world including, for example, China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland.

Find out more about the Journal’s aims and scope and submission guidelines.

Why not consider the Journal as an outlet to publish your next paper?
Submit today at !