Crypto Review Vol. 2

After a long hiatus, our second issue is now online in a very different world. So different that a year ago it would be considered a dystopian sci-fi movie script by any sane person.

This pandemic changed our view on globalization from every angle: the cross-border movement of people, product, capital, and information; the effectiveness of post-cold war institution and US dollar as its reserve currency; the explosion of “fake news” and the scarcity of truth; the struggle between individual liberty and governments’ interest in mass surveillance. A post-pandemic new world must address all these issues to a certain degree. And cryptocurrency, as apolitical money and decentralized ledger, has a role in every single one of them.

The articles in this issue cover digital assets, market analysis for post-halving Bitcoin, the implication of consensus in Bitcoin’s scarcity, and a deep analysis of Bitcoin’s blockchain data.

We hope you find these articles informative. Stay safe!


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